17 July 2007

Dealings at the Door

When the doorbell rang while I was washing dishes today, I knew it must be my macbook. And my printer. And the office package.

As I opened the door, I realized one of the men delivering the packages had worked at the Family History Library. He wasn't looking directly at me, so I finally said, "Hey, did you work at the Family History Library?" knowing perfectly well that he did. We weren't in the same unit and we never had any chances to talk really, we just said hello as we passed each other. Thus, we didn't know each other well. However, we certainly had a short but very interesting conversation on my front porch today. He said, "Yes, I used to work there. I had to quit because there was too much tension." I told him I had left for the same reason. We noted that it was interesting that working for the Church wasn't more positive. He told me about how he had had a few migraines every week and he couldn't sleep. He went to a psychiatrist who finally told him that he needed to quit his job. So he did, and he was offered a FedEx route, which he now owns or something. He said he's quite happy now, and I said even my friends noticed that I'm happier now too. I was marred, but not hurt, and I'm healing (see 3 Nephi 21:10).

No, I haven't opened any of the packages yet. I was too busy all day and probably will be for the next few days.

1 comment:

  1. Definitely it's tough working for the church. My first job was at Seagull book and tape and heaven help me if I wasn't wearing my CTR ring every day. It's not enough to be a good employee, you have to actually be GOOD! There are a lot of days I can't swing that.
