06 December 2009

Baby Weeks

You know what? That whole "I'm 29 weeks along" means nothing to me. I wish people would start saying things in months. I'm too lazy to divide by four and I have no idea how many weeks a pregnancy is. I guess some day I'll be the one telling people how many weeks along I am. Isn't that weird that your body can do something like make a baby? You might call me out on the use of the word "weird," but that's what it is.


  1. Amen! The problem is, only people who have been pregnant know what the weeks mean. So...for the rest of us, please divide into months!

    (Not that I can talk.)

  2. Lol I totally agree. It's like converting km/miles and c/f which I have to do daily so at least one thing I'd like to understand right away!

  3. I thought it was really weird as well, but now that I'm pregnant it makes sense. A pregnancy is 40 weeks (but the other weird thing is that you start counting the weeks before you even get pregnant, it's from the first day of your last period, sorry if this is too much info, ha ha)And also, 40 weeks is 10 months! That jus means you have to be pregnant for an extra month! :) The only real reason why I count the weeks is because that's what the doctors do and it's easier to figure out what's supposed to be going on in each week. I'm 20 weeks (5 months) right now, halfway! Sorry for the long comment that probably means nothing. :)

  4. HA! I totally agree with you. One thing that I hate is when a mom will answer to the question, How old is your child....and the kid is past one...and she says 28 months..AUGH! Just say 2&1/2...Oh and another one is when you ask a missionary how long they have been out..and they answer, under a year, or over a year. That bugs me. Well not that bad but some.
