30 July 2009

EFY (Neverending Fun)

This is what has kept me busy almost every minute since I got back from the U.S. (EFY--for more info, click here.)

Our team at the start of the week:


Our team at the end of the week:


Our team cheer:

Can you see there were good times had by all?

Tomorrow I'm going to sleep as long as possible so I can keep more unbelievable hours next week at the Young Single Adult conference.

1 comment:

  1. Looks like you're having such a great time this summer! Your pictures make me miss my sister, I should call her . . . Just to let you know I tagged you, http://blondeinfrance.blogspot.com/2009/08/youre-it.html I'm curious about all the lovely (and not so lovely!) German food you know of!
