In case the first Hong Kong post wasn't enough for you, here's another:
Those first two characters are Michael's name.
This was posted as some kind of advertising for treatment at this place. I feel sorry for the people pictured (there are no after pictures, so how do we know they've ever recovered?), and I feel repelled by this place (which I'm pretty sure isn't what they were aiming for).
Organic baby. Delicious.
I don't actually like carbonated products, especially coke--maybe that's why I'm making such a pained face--but the size of this thing was just asking for a funny photo.
Ah, dang. I forgot my white rubber boots.
What do you call hipsters in Hong Kong? Hongsters? (Okay, okay, this isn't the best hipster I saw, just the easiest one to take a picture of. All he needs is an ironic hat, right?)
I can understand someone needing a few hours, but a minute?
Why does this not surprise me? Because anything shiny and even remotely red makes anything look better. Or at least that's what seems to be the opinion around here.
This is how you have a drinking fountain when the water isn't potable.
We saw some pretty cool-looking doors/gates near the church.
Michael loved these little statues. He said they made him think of minions.
This lion was looking for some props.
Another minion up to something crazy.
I was thirsty.
It's hard for me to believe that they sell enough of these to keep displaying them. And all the colors? Maybe they're thinking optimistically: "Well, no one bought the orange one, but I'm sure if we make a brown one they'll love it."
Something's not right here. Either they were going for "ladies' man," or the men's bathroom only has one toilet.
For some reason I found it so amusing that the restaurant owner did his bookkeeping at a table right by the entrance. If he'd wanted to say hello to everyone who walked in, it might not have been so weird.
Shades live on . . . in Hong Kong!
Hey, those sunglasses look familiar . . .
An umbrella vending machine. So clever.
Keep calm and bake on--a nice reminder in a place where it's difficult to bake.
This puzzles me. If you had the option, would you really choose the squatting one? Really? Also, I'd read that Macau doesn't always provide toilet paper, and sure enough, I had to go back out to get some tissues out of Michael's bag.
These soldier toys can be used for everything.
This statue just said "Hunger Games" to me.
Apparently these things are called "chicken poop" in Chinese. I wonder why they decided that "teacakes" was the most appealing translation?
Instruction number one: "Twist the cap open and take a quaff." I had to look up "quaff." It sounded a bit too much like "queef" for me.
Sitting on the escalator.
Halloween decor at Ocean Park.
The only reason I know about K-Pop is because I'm friends with Becca Lindsay.
Apparently even bride mannequins get cold during the night, because every closed bridal shop we passed had them all wrapped up.
Michael found it amusing that there had to be such obvious signs showing which escalator goes up and which goes down. If these were escalators that had a motion sensor to start, that might make more sense.
"Litter cum recyclables collection" bins were all over the city. I do not think that word means what they think it means.
This station to catch the train to the airport was absolutely enormous, and for good reason, because there were soooo many people there. (Not.)
What if I don't want things to cost as much as downtown? What if I want them to cost less than downtown?
While waiting for Michael outside of the bathroom, I looked at this sign and wondered: How different is Chinese braille from English braille? Also, I've never seen a blind person walking around, feeling the walls to figure out where anything is.
I noticed that people kept looking at my shirt, but I thought they were just looking at the word "stripe." Then I realized that with my backpack on, I was walking around with the word "strip" on my shirt. Ba ha ha.
I nearly went crazy because I forgot to clip my nails before we left for Hong Kong and neglected to bring a set of nail clippers with me. This is honestly the longest I can remember my nails ever being. (At a very young age, my piano teacher trained me to always cut off the white part of the nail, and I haven't been able to stand having them long since.)
We considered buying this set of 16 Buenos (because I love Buenos), but then I was worried that having so many would make them not special anymore, and also that I might eat all of them instead of food, which I tend to do, especially since we don't have our own kitchen anymore. Michael snuck a picture while I distracted the sales lady. Unfortunately, once we got to our terminal, we found the same package, but for a lot more money. We missed out. Oh well.
18 November 2013
Random Hong Kong Amusements
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When I was in China, I chose squatting when I had the option. When the bathrooms were dirty, I took comfort in not having to touch anything.
ReplyDeleteThat's funny, because I choose the toilet and still squat--it's less messy when your pee doesn't have three feet to go. And I always make sure I don't leave a mess for the next person. :)