08 June 2009

Pentacost Hiking Retreat

This picture pretty much tells you why Switzerland is amazing.

This picture pretty much sums up my love of Switzerland.

If you want to see more pictures, watch this (and watch out for the plethora of lovey dovey pics of Lydia and Christoph):

Oh, and I got to see Sister Grassli again! Her pictures have amazing colors. See here.


  1. I can see why you want to move there - when will that be by the way?! It's beautiful! Hope you had lots of fun!

  2. I love Switzerland soooooooooo much. It's so beautiful. I spent a few days there after my study abroad in Spain. Absolutely and inspiringly gorgeous. Your pictures are great. A lot of them actually remind me of Big and Little Cottonwood Canyons in Utah.

  3. I'm jealous... I could use a hiking retreat quite well right now. My thesis is taking everything out of me. I still have to write the last chapters as well as introduction and conclusion and it's due tomorrow :( And if that's not enough I have my ASL interview tomorrow morning.
    At least your pictures allowed me to dream for a moment. At least I go hiking during the summer :)

  4. I'm jealous... I could use a hiking retreat quite well right now. My thesis is taking everything out of me. I still have to write the last chapters as well as introduction and conclusion and it's due tomorrow :( And if that's not enough I have my ASL interview tomorrow morning.
    At least your pictures allowed me to dream for a moment. At least I go hiking during the summer :)

  5. Ho. Lee. Crap. That is breathtaking. I am visiting Switzerland next summer or I'm gonna die trying. Looks like you guys had a blast.
