21 May 2008

Photo Contest. Help Me.

Help! I need to pick two of these pictures to enter into a contest:


  1. I like the two on the right (the rapeseed and the cool sky over water ones).

  2. Definitely the yellow and, if you can lighten it up a bit so that the detail of the building is more defined, that one - otherwise, the cool sky over water.

  3. I like the two on the right too, there is just something calming about them both!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Due to my inability to spell I am reposting my comment with a little more caution. I really like the second and third choice. But I think if you choose the second and last pictures you'd have a better chance of appealing to more tastes. Good luck! What is this contest for?

  6. Thanks for your help, people. To answer your questions, I heard about a photo contest for non-German students who have taken pictures of Leipzig. (All of these pictures are from Leipzig.) Due to my ditsy problem of never seeming to know what date it is, I turned them in a day late. We'll see if they even accept them late. :)
