Yesterday was Ada Lovelace Day. Because I didn't really have time to formally honor it yesterday, I want to do so today.
This site suggested that I write about "a woman in science, technology, engineering or maths whose achievements you admire."
I thought and thought and thought about it all day, and I couldn't really come up with a name of someone who inspired me to get involved in this industry through their own example. And I thought that was a shame. Have I just not heard enough about women who have achieved great things in science, technology, engineering, or maths? Have there not been enough for me to have heard about them? All I know is I drew a blank.
But there have been other inspirational women and men, namely from:
- people who have made it seem like I couldn't do it, which just motivates me more.
- people who have encouraged me to follow my passion for technology despite their lack of knowledge in that field.
- women I've met since becoming involved, like Carina Zona, Karen Wang, Pamela Fox, Julia Grace, Natasha the Robot, Lynn Root (Pyladies), Mila Krivaruchko, Annalise Hoopes, Pia Kekäläinen (RailsGirls), Ashley Carroll, Angie Chang (of Women 2.0), etc.
- Christian and David (founder of Hackbright Academy) who have provided a way for me to dive in.
- Michael for being my most enthusiastic supporter ("Our livelihood depends on you!".
- Every one of my co-students at Hackbright Academy:
Thanks to each of you! I only hope that I can some day also be inspiring to other women who can contribute so much to the field. Here's to forging new pathways for future women!
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